Osiris: New Dawn continua mejorando, lento pero seguro
Fenix Fire Entertainment lanza el nuevo update Proteus II Unearthed para su Survival Espacial Osiris: New Dawn. El parche viene con varias mejoras y añadidos como;
- Rediseño de Proteus II con más variedad de biomas y localizaciones para descubrir.
- Sistema de misiones – Incluidas misiones y mazmorras con recompensas.
- Nuevas opciones gráficas. Nubes, SSShadows, etc.
- Nuevas naves.
- Control de torreta para pasajeros en el GAV.
- Daño habilitado para los vehículos. Pueden ser dañados por criaturas.
- Mejoras en el combate a mele.
- Clase Ranger.
- Mejoras en la Suspensión del Vehículo.
- Agua.
La creación de estaciones espaciales se ha quedado fuera del parche por falta de tiempo y por priorizar en la experiencia inicial de los usuarios. Los nodos de recursos y la optimización se están trabajando actualmente y pueden tener problemas algunos problemas.
Acompañando la actualización han preparado un video con vistazo rápido a Proteus II Unearthed
Notas del parche al completo
Notas del parche al completo
- New Loading system using multiscene additive loading
- Multipatch terrain
- Added 4 new grass types
- New grass clumping system
- New terrain splat system
- Arches and rock formations
- Added AI for dungeon creatures
- Added combo attacks to melee system
- Added mining mode to third person for easier use of chisel
- Add passenger control over the GAV turret
- Added suspension to GAV and Rover
- Added new footprint decal system
- Added new footstep sounds
- Added new melee decal system
- Added new bullet decal system
- Added new blood effects to creatures
- Added new VO sounds to player and EVA Suit Systems Computer
- Added two new dungeons to Proteus II
- Added new creature [Snubbs]
- Added new boss creature [Cleo]
- Added passive critters
- Added redesigned spaceship
- Added fall damage to player
- Added new Snubbs surface spawner (I.E. «ant hill»)
- Added new gatherable/mineable objects
- Added new art assets to Proteus II
- New structure installations on Proteus II planet (human and alien)
- Doubled terrain textures to 8 per terrain patch
- Improved Parallax Occlusion mapping on terrain textures
- Region manager adds items dynamically to allow more interactive objects
- Improvements to the vehicles and multiplayer syncing
- Minor improvements to creature behavior
- Improved creatures collision
- Improved enemy attack reactions
- Improved recoil on ranged weapons
- Improved collision on vehicles
- Improved sound effects on creatures, weapons, and player
- Fixes to creature zoning
- Fixed stuttering animation when framerate dropped below 60 while hovering
- Fixed first person view clipping into objects
- Fixed players taking damage in vehicles
- Fixed Hovercraft and Mechacrab shooting miss-fires
- Proteus II now has 30 min day cycle
- Migrated database to cloud with redundancy
- Updated Escape Pod art
- Changed assault rifle to triple-burst shooting
- Player no longer falls faster when jumping off a high ledge
- Changes camera shake in first and third person mode