ZeniMax y Bethesda han organizado un periodo gratuito para su MMO The Elder Scrolls Online. Esta oportunidad estará disponible del 16 al 21 de noviembre.
You can begin downloading the game now on Steam so you’re ready to team up with friends when the event begins on Wednesday, November 16 at 1:00PM EST/6:00PM GMT. Navigate to The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited product page here on Steam, download and install it, and create your ESO account.
Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re playing ESO on a PC/Mac Free Play Weekend account:
- You’ll have access to the full The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited base game, not including DLC game pack areas
- Upon account creation, you’ll get 500 crowns to spend in the Crown Store
- Any characters you create, Crown Packs or Crown Store items you purchase, and progress you make during the Free Play Weekend will carry over if you decide purchase the game
The Free Play Weekend on PC/Mac will run until Monday, November 21 at 1:00PM EST/6:00PM GMT.
More great news – playing ESO during the Free Play Weekend also qualifies you to enter our One Tamriel “Trip of a Lifetime” sweepstakes! Five lucky winners will choose a travel package that will take them to one of five exotic locations. Each package will include full accommodations, meals, and exciting adventure excursions with expert local guides!
Visit our contest page[www.elderscrollsonline.com] to register, read the official rules, and learn more about the five amazing trip packages you could win. And of course, if you are an existing player – you’re already qualified. Head over the contest page and register to win your incredible adventure!
In celebration of the Free Play Weekend on Steam for PC/Mac, we will be offering discounts on Crown Packs and all versions of the game through Monday, November 28. If you purchase ESOwhile participating in our Free Play Weekend (or afterwards), you’ll be able to seamlessly continue your adventures in Tamriel, even after the event concludes.
Whether you’re returning to Tamriel after some time away, or striking out on your first adventures in ESO, the Free Play Weekend is a great time to join us. If you’re just beginning your new life in Tamriel, or even if you could use a refresher on what’s new in the past few months, we recommend checking out our handy Guides[www.elderscrollsonline.com] – they’ll get you up to speed in no time.
If you’re joining us for the ESO Free Play Weekend on Steam for PC/Mac, we want to hear from you. Share your stories and experiences with us on the official forums[forums.elderscrollsonline.com], Instagram[www.instagram.com], and Twitter @TESOnline. If you’re an existing player, you can get in on the fun, too! Consider lending a helping hand to our new heroes with tips-and-tricks and guild invites – if you do so on Instagram and Twitter, be sure to use the #WelcomeToESO hashtag.
We look forward to seeing many new faces in Tamriel this week – welcome to ESO!