Ya tenemos las notas del parche de la version 1.0.296 – REV 57801 / 29.08.2016, en la cual añaden cosas realmente interesantes y que puede hacer más llevadero el farmear en zona negra, pero que a mi parecer no es suficiente. De todos modos es un comienzo y vamos a ver al detalle lo más importante de la actualización.
Después de esta revisión, el equipo está trabajando en un pequeño parche, que traerá mejoras en la velocidad de desplazamiento, una mejor recompensa para los objetivos PvP de mundo abierto y una solución para salir de mazmorras cuando los mobs han hecho respawn.
Desde mi punto de vista, el cambio más importante en el parche. Añadido bancos y mercados a los puertos que conducen a la zona negra para acortar las rutas de suministro.
Fast Travel:
– Se han eliminado los viajes rápidos de zonas seguras a zonas rojas.
– Se puede usar el viaje rápido en las zonas verdes con equipamiento y materiales, para hacer más fácil que los jugadores nuevos se reúnan más rápido.
– Los gastos de viaje con el equipaje ahora se basa en el peso en lugar de valor del artículo para garantizar un valor de transporte por los transportistas.
– El viaje rápido entre ciudades de inicio, ya no se requiere una cuota de base. Esto permite a los jugadores nuevos reunirse con sus amigos rápidamente.
Cambios en el equilibrio
– Se ha reducido lo que pesa la montura para balancear el coste de los viajes rápidos.
– Los recursos de nivel 2 y 3, ahora cuentan para la línea principal de la progresión de la recolección.
Cambios en el combate
La Claymore tenía demasiadas ventajas y pocos inconvenientes.
Iron Will
Movement Speed Increase: 44% -> 40%
Range: 11m -> 9m
Cooldown: 15s -> 20s
Energy Cost: 18 -> 16
This ability no longer roots the target, unless the target is affected by at least one Heroic Charge.
Estos son los cambios más significativos, a continuación dejo las notas del parche completas.
[quote_box author=»» profession=»»]
Director’s Notes
This patch mostly deals with several critical technical and balancing issues. There are several changes to the game which should allow beginning players to play together more easily, and others deals with the most obvious issues of beginning players.
After this patch, the team is working on a small feature patch which will bring improvements to travelling speed, better rewards for open world PvP objectives and a solution for exiting dungeons when mobs have spawned behind you and your group.
– Added banks and marketplaces to harbours leading to the outlands to shorten supply routes to the outlands.
Fast Travel:
– Fast travel routes between safe zone cities on the royal continents now allow travel with luggage to allow safe zone players to easily make arrangements for playing with friends in other cities.
– Cost of travelling with luggage is now based on weight instead of item value to guarantee a transport value per for transporters.
– Red zone cities on royal continents no longer have any fast travel connections to clearly define the coaches as connecting the safe zone player cities.
– Fast travel using boats between starting cities now no longer requires a base fee. This allows beginning players to travel to their beginning friends immediately.
– Known Issue: Coaches are still placed in red zone cities, these will be removed in a future update.
– Known Issue: One of the fast travel routes between starting towns incorrectly requires baggage.
– New players start with a «Help» chat tab by default, and help channel messages are no longer enabled in the general tab by default.
Balance Changes
– Journeyman artifact fragment drops have been removed from the game as they were confusing and were not being transmutated in significant numbers as was intended.
– Lowered mount weight significantly to reduce the cost for fast travelling with them.
– Allowed Tier 2 and 3 resources to count towards the gathering progression main line to ensure gatherers are rewarded for gathering low end ingredients for refining.
– Set weapon unlock base nodes to all have the same requirements in terms of amount of fame / LP to unlock.
– Decreased the reputation penalty for attacking (but not for knocking out and/or killing) other players.
– Significantly increased reputation gain while on positive reputation to ensure beginning players turn into a less attractive target more quickly.
– Journeyman and Adept transmutators can no longer be constructed, in order to avoid confusing beginning players. Existing buildings are unaffacted; this just changes the placeable building from Journeyman to Expert.
Combat Balance
The Claymore had too many advantages and too few disadvantages.
Iron Will
Movement Speed Increase: 44% -> 40%
Range: 11m -> 9m
Cooldown: 15s -> 20s
Energy Cost: 18 -> 16
This ability no longer roots the target, unless the target is affected by at least one Heroic Charge.
Fixed the Giant ability on plate shoes not actually increasing your hitpoints by 100% as stated in the tooltip.
Fixed an issue where players would not receive their gold from buy orders while playing until server shutdown with a different character than the one who set up the gold buy-order.
Removed the unintended Low Stab ability option for Journeyman Spears
Fixed an issue where you were able to respawn in a home although reputation did not allow you to enter the town.
Fixed some issues with server shutdown procedures on the live servers, which caused daily maintenance to be at irregular times.
Fixed an issue which caused players to be unable to attack party members with auto-attacks in a duel if they were using the «two-click to attack» setting.
Fixed mastery level 1 descriptions for offhand nodes on Destiny Board.
Fixed incorrect display of defender bonus and improved description of defender bonus in territory screen / worldmap.
Fixed an issue that caused no Grandmaster or Elder fiber to spawn in Tier 7 / 8 mountain clusters.
Added missing world map names for starting and red cities.
Fixed cleanse potion Destiny Board mission requirements.
Added missing visual FX to torch offhands.
Fixed the Journeyman’s Mill not unlocking at Journeyman Adventurer level.
Fixed characters who had the same name as a Guild being unable to travel to their private island.
Fixed a number of invisible wall problems in Blizzard of Souls (Morgana Raid Region).
Fixed the selection of characters becoming inaccurate at certain resolutions.
Fixed various invisible wall problems in mountain regions.
Fixed several incorrect mob camp tiers in swamp regions.
Added missing exit between Pen Lithrig and Sunslopes regions.[/quote_box]